Lists, It's All About The Lists

Thursday, June 4, 2015

I'm a list maker through and through. I make lists for everything; things I need to do, grocery lists, blog ideas, tasks I need to complete for the theatre, a list of jobs to tackle around the house, birthday wish list for Baby is endless. I love making lists because it helps me remember everything I need to and I find such accomplishment when I cross stuff off (although I'm not one of those people who adds things to my list that I already completed just so I can cross them off). So I guess you could say that I couldn't live without lists.

There is one list I started recently that I definitely don't want to live without. It is a list of things I WANT to do. It's a fun, random list of things I'd love to accomplish in the very near future. There is really no theme to the list, except that these are things that would make me smile.

List of things I WANT to do

At the top of my list:
Take much better photos. I've gotten a whole lot better at taking photos since I started this blog 2 1/2 years ago - see examples below - but I'd love to learn even more tricks. 

Also, I'd like to...

-Learn to play guitar.

-Take a calligraphy class.

-Drive a stick shift. (I don't even think I can drive a stick shift in an emergency. My college roommate, Amber, taught me briefly one summer but I sure don't remember anything.

-Mail happy packages more often.

-Attend some sort of Kentucky Derby party and wear a really big hat.

-Make Meatless Monday an actual "thing" in my house.

-Do more brave things, especially in front of Baby K.

-Work on graphic design. (I've been toying around with some design and I would love to be able to do a redesign of my blog one day all by myself.)

What about you? Are there any fun things that you would add to your list of things you WANT to do?


Katie and I have decided that we both could use a much needed break over the Summer. So today is your last chance to link up with us until we return in the Fall. So take advantage of this, link up and join us!

Link up with us and share something that you couldn't live without: a recipe, a piece of clothing, a person, an iphone app, a bible verse, a baby product, song...whatever. Just share something that made your life better this past week.
You can link up on either of our blogs. And feel free to grab the button below to help us spread the word!!!!


  1. I also need to mail more happy mail.


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