High Five For Friday

Friday, November 14, 2014

This has been quite the jampacked week! We had a yard sale, visited friends, went to church, my car was in the shop twice, I worked from home two days, had ladies night with my church, Baby K got sick, I made some progress on unpacking and decorating the house and still found time to watch plenty of episodes of Hart of Dixie on Netflix.

With all of that, I definitely had some awesome moments for which I am thankful. Here are some good ones from the week.

1.) There is nothing I love witnessing more than a group of people huddled together in prayer. I snapped this photo of our worship team right before service began on Sunday.

2.) We had yard sale on a pretty cold Saturday and Baby K decided to bundle up to help us out. She reminded me of the kid in A Christmas Story who couldn't put his arms down when she had this snow suit on. (And PS - in case you didn't know, the most successful yard sales are NOT held on a cold day in November.)

3.) We had lunch with friends I have known my entire life (yum dash o on the food!) and Baby K got to meet their horses. She was not afraid at all; she pet the horses, talked to them and even fed them some carrots. My friend Nichole was really impressed with how awesome Baby K was around the horses.

4.) Tolar and I "celebrated" our 5 year dating anniversary this week. What a quick 5 years it has been!

5.) I love that Baby K enjoys reading so much, and I really love that she likes to have her Daddy read to her.

Linking up this post with Lauren Elizabeth and September Farm.


  1. Is there anything cuter than a baby/little kid bundled up in super puffy coats??? only maybe them in pajamas, but it's a close call!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. Baby K looks so bloody adorable all bundled up in her pink outfit to protect her from the cold


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